Feeling “bummy”

So I haven’t posted in a week or so for a number of reasons...

The biggest one is that I’ve been feeling a bit “bummy”. When I say bummy I really mean I just haven’t been motivated to do anything in this cold weather.

I will admit that sometimes I didn’t even have a shower till later on in the day. Having a little baby can be so much to deal with that sometimes you just don’t have the energy for anything else.

And that is okay.

I needed to remind myself that I can’t be supermum all the time, I will have good and bad days (and weeks) just like everyone else.

But what I must always remember is that this is a season. A beautiful season where I get to spend time with my son and watch him grow. A season where I can watch Netflix and eat junk all day and not feel guilty. A season where it’s okay to not leave the house for a few days because it’s too cold and I’m not feeling 100%.

Finally the feeling of being a “bummy mummy” has passed and I’m happy to get back to blogging and making moves, making sure I’m not “bored” and enjoying my beautiful baby boy grow.

It’s okay mama, everything always works out in the end. And don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it!!!


I nearly “mum shamed” myself!


Yes, I’m a mum but I’m still “me”!