5 helpful tips for keeping your work/ life balance in check

Including how to stay on top of your energy levels.


Now you know I always keep it 100 about my experiences of motherhood so this won’t come as a surprise to you, but I have to admit… being a working mum is no doubt one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my adult life. Now try adding being pregnant to that! I am currently 6 months pregnant and I don’t know where the time is going. I feel like I am so busy with work, chasing around my “two-nager”, running my business, trying to sort out some sort of balance in my personal life and somehow make sure I have some “me” time. Sound familiar? The pressure always seems to be on, be it at work, at home, as a parent, as a friend. The list can literally go on and leave us drained or worse. Burnt out.

Did you know that 8 in 10 Brits agree its important to make time for relaxation however almost a quarter are not happy with their current work life balance according to new research by Spatone? Now that we have entered a new year, and a whole new decade might I add, I think it’s so important to make sure we start off how we mean to go and for me that means achieving a healthy work life balance (whatever this may look like for you individually) so that you are not spread too thinly in any area and can give the best of yourself at all times.

I want us to take a slightly different approach when looking at work life balance and rather than thinking “How can I become 5 people in 1” and “Do more”, we ask the question of “How can I increase and maintain my natural energy levels?”. Our bodies need vitamins and minerals to function adequately and one important mineral we need is Iron because it helps reduce tiredness and fatigue amongst so many other things.

In my last pregnancy with Ezekiel, I had the pleasure of discovering Spatone® Liquid Iron sachets and they helped me so much. Now that I am pregnant again, working and trying to juggle it all, I find myself relying on these sachets to help keep my energy levels where they should be and keep me one step closer to achieving a better work life balance.

Here are my top 5 tips to keeping your work life balance in check:

1. Take Spatone® Liquid Iron sachets daily.

They are available in two variants, original and apple. My favourite is apple as it contains vitamin C which helps with the absorption of iron and they taste great. Win win! I personally always keep a box at work, one at home, one in the car and a few sachets in my bag so I don’t forget to take it! If you guys want to check it out, have a look here

2. Keep a daily to-do list. But don’t be afraid if it doesn’t all get done!

I write a to-do list at work and on the days that I am home. It helps me to stay organised and I always feel so satisfied crossing things off my list. For most people its also a good way to get things out of your head and on to paper. However, don’t be afraid if you don’t get everything on there done in a day. Prioritise what is important, what can be done another day and what can be delegated to others.

3. Rest when you need to and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

This tip is kind of two in one but I believe the two go hand in hand. Resting as often as possible is so important as our bodies need sleep to function and restore itself. Asking for help is so hard for some of us and I am the first to admit it, but we don’t have to do everything on our own all the time. Call in a favour, reach out to friends and family and make sure you ask for help when you need it. It will do you the world of good.

4. Stay hydrated.

This point sounds simple but our bodies are made up of 70% water and drinking lots of fluids is so important in staying healthy and maintaining important bits in our bodies like our brain, heart and muscles. Dehydration can cause us to feel weak, dizzy and tired which is not helpful when trying to achieve a good work life balance!

5. Don’t be afraid to say no.

Now this doesn’t mean be rude or unpleasant to everyone you encounter, however it does mean setting some healthy boundaries both at work and in your personal life to make sure that you are putting yourself first. Here are some diplomatic ways of saying no that you can use going forward: “Not today, maybe another day”, “What’s the deadline on this”, “ What is the latest I can get this to you by” ,“Is this a life or death situation for right now”, “Is there any chance I can get back to you on this later”. Next time you want to say no to something but don’t know how, try one of these and see if it works.

I hope this post has inspired you to think about your current work life balance and given you ways to keep your energy levels where they should be so you can perform at your best with Spatone® Liquid Iron sachets.

Love, Tinuke


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